Where I find ChatGPT most useful for coding is in generating ideas for algorithmic approaches or strategies to tackle a problem, or when I'm dealing with a new library or technique that I didn't know previously. In these cases it can be an extremely helpful learning tool, since you can quickly get a "template" version of something, from which to understand a library's functions, syntax, and overall approach. And since it's an example of your application, you're not trying to translate from some generic tutorial code into your domain, which is also super helpful.
The danger is when you don't spend enough time digging into what it generated, and therefore don't really understand what it's doing, but instead just let it spew out a full implementation. Then it can be super dangerous, because you're kind of flying blind, and it will make really strange mistakes in totally unpredictable ways.
Now, obviously, this is making a very clear point that ChatGPT is a great tool for experienced programmers, but certainly far from reliable for autonomously completing actual coding tasks.