Double-huh?... What "beliefs"??? Do you mean to say I have a "belief" that Apple is already using LLMs, or a "belief" that Apple published a paper? I have no idea what "belief" you're talking about. I was merely pointing out that Apple didn't publish some flashy hatchet-job blog post trying to detract from its AI competitors to big itself up. It conducted a study and published the findings. Resopndents have made a bit of a sensation of it—for good reason—but that has nothing to do with Apple. There should be no need for me to cite the paper, since the article we're responding to is literally about Apple's paper, but:
Apple have made a huge point of the fact that they're moving forward with AI and are therefore necessarily interested in the strengths and limitations of LLMs. If researchers don't understand these limitations, then they can neither improve them nor work around the problems. This is just responsible R&D. So I have no idea what your issue is.
But anyway, the substantive part of my last response was "drop it". So... that.